Resultados de busqueda para 'Mackall, Dandi Daley'
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45 productos
  1. Winnie the Horse Gentler
    6,23 $
    Twelve-year-old Winnie Willis has a way with horses. She can gentle the wildest mare, but other parts of her life dont always come as easily. Along with her dad and sister, Lizzy, Winnie is learning how to live without her mom, who was also a natural horse gentler. As Winnie teaches her horses about... Saber más
  2. Winnie the Horse Gentler
    6,23 $
    Twelve-year-old Winnie Willis has a way with horses. She can gentle the wildest mare, but other parts of her life dont always come as easily. Along with her dad and sister, Lizzy, Winnie is learning how to live without her mom, who was also a natural horse gentler. As Winnie teaches her horses about... Saber más
  3. Winnie the Horse Gentler
    6,23 $
    Twelve-year-old Winnie Willis has a way with horses. Along with her dad and sister, Lizzy, Winnie is learning how to live without her mom--who was also a natural horse gentler. As Winnie teaches her horses about unconditional love and blind trust, God shows Winnie that he can be trusted as well. Readers... Saber más
  4. Starlight Animal Rescue
    6,23 $
    I havent done anything with my life. . . . I need to do something . . . like Mom and Dad and Hank do all the time. And I need to do it now.
    Meet 12-year-old Kat--short for Katharine. She thinks she has two weeks to do something worthy of being adopted by her wonderful foster family. But cancer,... Saber más
  5. Starlight Animal Rescue
    6,23 $
    Starlight tosses her head, and I know instantly by the tightening I feel in her back that somethings wrong. . . . Nothing unusual I can make out. . . . Then I smell it. Smoke.
    Meet 18-year-old Hank. Hes Catmans cousin and the all-American, popular, good guy at Starlight Animal Rescue. But... Saber más
  6. Winnie the Horse Gentler:  Wild Thing
    7,27 $
    Twelve-year-old Winnie Willis has a way with horses. She can gentle the wildest mare, but other parts of her life dont always come as easily. Along with her dad and sister, Lizzy, Winnie is learning how to live without her mom, who was also a natural horse gentler. As Winnie teaches her horses about... Saber más
  7. Winnie the Horse Gentler:  Bold Beauty
    7,27 $
    Twelve-year-old Winnie Willis has a way with horses. She can gentle the wildest mare, but other parts of life dont always come as easily. Along with her dad and sister, Lizzy, Winnie is learning how to live without her mom-who was also a natural horse gentler. As Winnie teaches horses about unconditional... Saber más
  8. Just Sayin
    10,39 $
    Just Sayin tells the story of an almost-blended family that almost falls apart before it even begins. 11 year-old Cassie Callahan is staying with her grandmother while her mom, Jennifer, recovers from a difficult breakup from her fiance, Trent. Cassie, along with Trents kids, Nick and Julie, are... Saber más
  9. With Love, Wherever You Are
    16,63 $
    Nurse Helen Eberhart approaches everything in life with pure determination. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Helen decides to enlist as an Army nurse. There, her grit is put to the test when shes assigned to care for the broken bodies of some of the most severely wounded soldiers, many no older than... Saber más
  10. Larger-Than-Life Lara
    10,39 $
    This isnt about me. This story, I mean. So already you got a reason to hang it up. At least thats what Mrs. Smith, our English teacher, says.

    But the story is about ten-year-old Laney Grafton and the new girl in her class--Lara Phelps, whom everyone bullies from the minute... Saber más
45 productos