Resultados de busqueda para 'The Navigators'
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792 productos
  1.  Latte Love
    9,35 $
    Where is your "third place"-that location where you regularly interact with those who are far from God? U.S. Navigators president Doug Nuenke challenges readers to consider a place where believers can connect to non-Christians and build lasting relationships that will encourage them to become... Saber más
  2.  Wounded Children, Healing Homes
    13,51 $
    Why doesn’t our child return our love? What are we failing to understand? What are we failing to do? These questions can fill the minds of adoptive parents caring for wounded, traumatized children. Families often enter into this experience with high expectations for their child and for themselves... Saber más
  3.  Real-Life Discipleship
    14,55 $
    Is your church making disciples . . . who make disciples . . . who make disciples?

    Real-Life Discipleship explains what should happen in the life of every Christian and in every small group so that the church becomes an army of believers dedicated to seeing the world saved. With... Saber más
  4.  Real-Life Discipleship Training Manual
    14,55 $
    Over 100,000 sold!

    Reform the way small groups make disciples.

    This companion training manual to Real-Life Discipleship provides unique guidance and insight to pastors, church leaders, and their disciples as they work to create an effective discipleship program. With a... Saber más
  5.  Truth That Sticks
    13,51 $
    Today in America, half of the people won’t or don’t read that much. Begin creatively transforming the lives of this generation by using first-century methods of teaching-storytelling, drama, and dialog. The "TruthSticks" strategy is a revolutionary approach using the DNA of the first century... Saber más
  6. LifeChange:  Daniel
    10,39 $
    See God’s Hand in Your Life
    How can we live faithfully amid the fires of opposition? How can we stay close to God when doubt seeks to devour us? Daniel the prayer warrior shows us how to keep God’s perspective always before us.

    Zoom in on Daniel’s story and the pressures he... Saber más
  7. La Serie 2:7: The 2:7 Series:  Bearing Fruit in God's Family
    11,43 $
    Over 500,000 Sold in Series!
    Bear fruit for a lifetime through the life-giving habits of Bible reading, prayer, and evangelism. Learn to prioritize and balance them as you blend them together into a unified whole. Combined with the practices and knowledge you gained in books one and two of... Saber más
  8. La Serie 2:7: The 2:7 Series:  Deepening Your Roots in God's Family
    12,47 $
    Over 500,000 Sold in Series!
    Dig into Scripture to deepen your relationships with God and others. Watch the seeds of prayer and evangelism begin to take root in you. You’ll nurture these practices in your daily life as you work through the Bible studies and training materials in Deepening... Saber más
  9. LifeChange:  Jeremiah & Lamentations
    10,39 $
    Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

    Wrestling with Deep Human Emotions
    As much as we hope to avoid loneliness, sorrow, and suffering, we must learn how to accept them when they find us. Jeremiah was nicknamed "the weeping prophet" for his profound wrestling with... Saber más
  10. LifeChange:  Ecclesiastes
    10,39 $
    Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

    What Desires Drive You?
    Every day bombards us with so many desires, and we wish we could pursue them all. Ecclesiastes recounts the story of one person who decided to try. He denied himself nothing that he wanted: Money. Sex. Power. Prestige.... Saber más
792 productos