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792 productos
  1. LifeChange:  1 & 2 Samuel
    11,43 $
    Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

    God Begins Something New
    Israel wants a king. They want to be a kingdom. For decades God’s people had been stuck in cycles of sin and repentance-oppressed by rulers from outside and by sins from within. In 1 & 2 Samuel, God begins to... Saber más
  2. The Hope of Glory
    11,43 $
    No matter what trials you face, looking at those circumstances from God’s perspective will give you a supernatural peace. Authors T. W. Hunt and Melana Hunt Munroe introduce this new point of view by focusing on God and His attributes, the Trinity, and spiritual growth. Saber más
  3. LifeChange:  Ezra & Nehemiah
    10,39 $
    Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

    Rediscover God’s Presence
    When life is a shambles, we wonder what went wrong and long to see things put right. And often we long for the sense of God’s presence to return to our lives. The city of Jerusalem was a shambles-both its... Saber más
  4.  Meditation
    6,23 $
    In John 15, Jesus commanded His disciples to abide in Him and share His very life. He promised that if they did, they would be fruitful. Scripture suggests three ways in which modern-day disciples can share in the life of Jesus: through the mind in meditation, through the affections in communion, and... Saber más
  5.  31 Days of Encouragement as We Grow Older
    12,47 $
    Are you feeling lonely? Tired? Overwhelmed? Whether we’re young, old, or in between, these feelings can flood our hearts at almost any time. Faced with our limitations, our most urgent need is to know God better. Beloved author Ruth Myers is a willing guide for women who are ready to approach aging... Saber más
  6. LifeChange:  Deuteronomy
    11,43 $
    Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

    Moses’ Last Words
    Forty years in the desert had taught God’s people how to follow and not wander. Now, in sight of the Promised Land, Moses knew they faced the risk of settling down and getting comfortable-only to wander and not follow.... Saber más
  7. LifeChange:  1 & 2 Kings
    9,35 $
    Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

    Even the Worst of Sinners
    How could God ever use a sinner like me? Most Christians wonder this at one point or another. Entangled by sin, we question whether anything we do is valuable to God. First and Second Kings show us how,... Saber más
  8. La Serie 2:7: The 2:7 Series:  Growing Strong in God's Family
    11,43 $
    Over 500,000 Sold in Series!
    Prepare your heart for God’s Word to take root and bear fruit in your life. Guided Bible studies will help you personally and actively engage with Scripture. Develop tried-and-true ways to get the most from your Bible reading, and learn to hear God’s voice... Saber más
  9. The Message Promise Book
    6,23 $
    The Message of God is full of promise.

    Stress. Money. Work. Self-Image. Loneliness. We deal with issues like these in our day-to-day lives. And we’re bombarded by messages about how to respond to them. But what does God have to say about how we should face life’s challenges?

    The... Saber más
  10.  Praying over God's Promises
    10,39 $
    Renew a Passionate Faith in God’s Promises
    Imagine a life of fresh faith built on assurances directly from God! That’s the heart of Praying over God’s Promises. What began as a tool to help strengthen others in their faith has become a life-giving classic, now in its fourth edition.... Saber más
792 productos