Resultados de busqueda para 'Buell, Brandon'
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2 productos
  1. Dont Blink. What the Little Boy Nobody Expected to Live Is Teaching the World about Life
    18,71 $
    Not long into their pregnancy, Brandon and Brittany Buell were given the heartbreaking news that their son, whom they had already named Jaxon, had a rare condition called Microhydranencephaly (meaning that he was missing part of his skull and most of his brain), and that he would likely die in utero... Saber más
  2.  Don't Blink
    13,51 $
    Not long into their pregnancy, Brandon and Brittany Buell were given the heartbreaking news that their son, whom they had already named Jaxon, had a rare condition called Microhydranencephaly (meaning that he was missing part of his skull and most of his brain), and that he would likely die in utero... Saber más
2 productos