Resultados de busqueda para 'Rosemond, John'
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2 productos
  1. Grandma Was Right after All!. Practical Parenting Wisdom from the Good Old Days
    16,63 $
    Todays parents are all but completely disconnected from the commonsense parenting wisdom of their parents and grandparents. The self-esteem parenting revolution has erased the practical insights gathered by generations of parents about the best way to raise kids. In this book, John Rosemond seeks to... Saber más
  2.  Grandma Was Right after All!
    12,47 $
    Today’s parents are all but completely disconnected from the commonsense parenting wisdom of their parents and grandparents. The self-esteem parenting revolution has erased the practical insights gathered by generations of parents about the best way to raise kids. In this book, John Rosemond seeks... Saber más
2 productos