Resultados de busqueda para 'Turek, Frank'
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3 productos
  1. Stealing from God. Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case
    15,59 $
    If you think atheists have reason, evidence, and science on their side, think again! Award-winning author Dr. Frank Turek (I Dont Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist) will show you how atheists steal reason, evidence, science, and other arguments from God in trying to make their case for atheism.... Saber más
  2.  Stealing from God
    13,51 $
    What if the core arguments for atheism reveal that God actually exists?
    With a rising dependence on science and rational thought in today’s culture, religion is often dismissed as "outdated" or "illogical" and atheism is gaining a wider audience. But award-winning author... Saber más
  3.  Hollywood Heroes
    13,51 $
    Spoiler alert: Hollywood Heroes will change the way you watch movies and transform the way you understand our ultimate hero-Jesus Christ.

    Batman stares down the laughing Joker. Luke Skywalker clashes lightsabers with Darth Vader. Iron Man sacrifices himself with a... Saber más
3 productos