Resultados de busqueda para 'Wheeler, Shayne'
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2 productos
  1. . Fearlessly Following Jesus into the Thorny Places
    15,59 $
    Hasnt Jesus called us into the thorns and thistles with Him to love what we find there? What if we had the courage to follow him into the briarpatch and discover life as we were always meant to live it? In The Briarpatch Gospel, dynamic young pastor Shayne Wheeler presents a radical message... Saber más
  2. The Briarpatch Gospel
    11,43 $
    Hasn’t Jesus called us into the thorns and thistles with Him to love what we find there? What if we had the courage to follow him into the briarpatch and discover life as we were always meant to live it? In The Briarpatch Gospel, dynamic young pastor Shayne Wheeler presents a radical... Saber más
2 productos