Resultados de busqueda para 'Singer, Randy'
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23 productos
  1.  Dying Declaration
    7,27 $
    Thomas and Theresa Hammonds believe in tough love and old-fashioned discipline. They do not believe in doctors. When their controversial beliefs lead to personal tragedy, the Hammonds face heartbreaking loss, a crisis of faith-and a charge of negligent homicide by a relentless prosecutor. Defending Thomas... Saber más
  2.  Fatal Convictions
    4,15 $
    Alexander Madison is part lawyer, part pastor, and part con artist. When a Muslim imam is accused of instigating honor killings, Alex must decide whether to take the case that every other lawyer in town is running away from. He doesn’t realize until it’s too late that defending the imam may cost... Saber más
  3.  Self Incrimination
    7,27 $
    Tara Bannister’s abusive stepfather finally pushed her too far. To save herself she had to kill him. Or did she? Tara’s confession doesn’t add up, and as her self-defense claim crumbles, attorney Leslie Connors must overcome more than first-trial jitters to mount a credible defense. Leslie must... Saber más
  4. Directed Verdict
    7,27 $
    In Saudi Arabia, two American missionaries are targeted by the infamous religious police--Muttawa. The man is tortured and killed; his wife arrested on trumped-up charges before being deported to the United States. Compelled by the injustice of her plight, young attorney Brad Carlson files an unprecedented... Saber más
  5. Dying Declaration
    7,27 $
    Thomas and Theresa Hammonds believe in tough love and old-fashioned discipline. They do not believe in doctors. When their controversial beliefs lead to personal tragedy, the Hammonds face heartbreaking loss, a crisis of faith--and a charge of negligent homicide by a relentless prosecutor. Defending... Saber más
  6. Fatal Convictions
    4,15 $
    Alexander Madison is part lawyer, part pastor, and part con artist. When a Muslim imam is accused of instigating honor killings, Alex must decide whether to take the case that every other lawyer in town is running away from. He doesnt realize until its too late that defending the imam may cost him the... Saber más
  7. Self Incrimination
    7,27 $
    Tara Bannisters abusive stepfather finally pushed her too far. To save herself she had to kill him. Or did she? Taras confession doesnt add up, and as her self-defense claim crumbles, attorney Leslie Connors must overcome more than first-trial jitters to mount a credible defense. Leslie must save Taras... Saber más
  8. False Witness
    7,27 $
    Clark Shealy is a bail bondsman with the ultimate bounty on the line: his wifes life. He has forty-eight hours to find an Indian professor in possession of the Abacus Algorithm--an equation so powerful it could crack all Internet encryption.
    Four years later, law student Jamie Brock is working in... Saber más
  9. Dead Lawyers Tell No Tales
    10,39 $
    Landon Reed is an ex-quarterback convicted of organizing a points-shaving scheme. During his time in prison, he found forgiveness and faith and earned his law degree. Now he longs for an opportunity to prove his loyalty and worth. Be careful what you ask for.

    Harry McNaughton is one... Saber más
  10. Rule of Law
    17,67 $
    What did the president know? And when did she know it?

    For the members of SEAL Team Six, it was a rare mission ordered by the president, monitored in real time from the Situation Room. The Houthi rebels in Yemen had captured an American journalist and a member of the Saudi royal family.... Saber más
23 productos