Courage and Confidence

Courage and Confidence
You can recognize a woman who has been unboxed.

Confident. Decisive. Purposeful. She will say no to anything that diverts her from her calling. She is fully aware of her assets and how to use them. Work does not define her value. She is patient and kind with herself, accepting God’s grace for
her shortcomings. God is her King. As a carrier of God’s glory, she produces much fruit in her life.

In Courage and Confidence, Nicole O. Salmon identifies this woman as our created self-the person God has uniquely designed us to be. While our curated self conforms to the influences of this fallen world, we were always meant to live into our divinely inspired and wired created self.

Are you ready to shift toward a more purpose-led life? Here are the tools to unleash the courage to evict yourself from your curated comforts and stand firmly in your created identity. You have not missed your chance. Even though truths declared to you may seem delayed, they are still yours to receive if you are ready and willing to move toward the life you were created for- to become the unboxed woman of confidence and courage God created you to be.
10,39 $
It’s time to stand confidently in your created identity and become the woman you were created to be.

Have you ever felt like youre living a subpar version of yourself? Have you given God your yes, but still struggle to step into your full potential? If so, its time to tap into your God-given potential, embrace your unique identity, and live a purpose-filled life.

In Courage and Confidence, Nicole Salmon provides the tools you need to evict yourself from your curated comforts, which have resulted in silence, compliance, and dumbing down your capabilities. Youll discover how to stand confidently in your created identity-affirmed, decisive, and clear about your purpose.

Discover how to
  • Reclaim your voice and become reacquainted with the voice of Holy Spirit
  • Interrupt the cycle of second guessing who you are so you can operate more confidently in your purpose
  • Replace old thought patterns and habits with a thought life that leads to overcoming guilt and achieving more results
Embrace your unique identity, operate confidently in your purpose, and be the best version of yourself according to God’s design.
Más información
Código 9781641588348
Páginas 192
Autor Salmon, Nicole O.
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2024-04-09
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators