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189 productos
  1. The Everlasting Man
    3,11 $
    Beginning with an insightful study on the nature of man, Chesterton argues that the central character in history is Jesus Christ, the everlasting Man. No other explanation of the world fits the evidence. Exploding the stale formula of Christ as the pale product of human imagination, he triumphantly asserts... Saber más
  2. The Pauline Corpus in Early Christianity
    62,39 $
    The Pauline Corpus in Early Christianity: Its Formation, Publication, and Circulation offers a comprehensive and wide-ranging examination of the canonical development of the collection of writings associated with the Apostle Paul. The volume considers a number of clues from the New Testament writings,... Saber más
  3. The Old and the New
    11,43 $
    In a highly accessible way, The Old and the New is a call for Christians to discover-or rediscover-the richness of the Bible through a study of the links that unite the Old and the New Testaments, which Pastor Laurent Clémenceau shows as the heart of the message of the early witnesses of the... Saber más
  4. Church Answers Resources:  Anatomy of a Revived Church
    11,43 $
    There is hope. God can save your church.

    In this book, Thom Rainer reveals seven findings of revived churches.
    Through new research, he figuratively dissects hundreds of churches that were on the path toward death. But they turned around. They revitalized. They did so in the face of facts... Saber más
  5.  What Is Christianity?
    14,55 $
    In this book, Dutch theologian Herman Bavinck (1854–1921) provides a historical sketch on the nature of Christianity and the unifying power of Christ. He proceeds from unity to diversity-on where the Christian church agrees to the areas where it differs. It is apologetic and evangelistic, ecumenical... Saber más
  6.  Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion
    21,83 $
    "In writing this Guidebook," Bavinck says in his preface, "I had in mind, the pupils in the highest classes of our Christian gymnasium, public schools, in the education of teachers, and in normal schools, etc. and moreover those who desire to understand the main content of our Christian,... Saber más
  7. Church Answers Resources:  I Am a Christian
    11,43 $
    In this concise book, respected pastor, author, and church consultant Thom Rainer explains how the local church is God’s primary plan for reaching the world with his love. "I am a Christian" and "I am a church member" go hand in hand.

    What does it really mean... Saber más
  8. Is The End Near?
    15,59 $
    Dr. Michael Youssef was born in Egypt and lived in Lebanon and Australia before coming to the United States, where he fulfilled a childhood dream of becoming an American citizen. He holds degrees from Moore College in Sydney and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, and a doctorate... Saber más
  9. Messianic Prophecy Revealed
    14,55 $
    Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider is the host of the popular TV and radio broadcast Discovering the Jewish Jesus. For more than thirty years Rabbi Schneider has been teaching people how Jesus fulfilled Messianic prophecy and completes the unfolding plan of the Messiah. Schneider is the author of... Saber más
  10.  50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know
    5,19 $
    50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know is an accessible, practical resource that will exponentially magnify your Bible study, covering the basics of common biblical Hebrew words, definitions, and more side by side!

    Diving into biblical Hebrew doesn’t have to be difficult... Saber más
189 productos