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280 productos
  1.  Hannah's Hope
    12,47 $
    Hannah’s Hope is intended as a guide to assist you in making wise decisions as you struggle through your grief of not yet conceiving, losing a child, or struggling through the adoption process. Saber más
  2.  Intimacy Ignited
    13,51 $
    Discover the freedom, holiness, and beauty of sex in marriage. Intimacy and sex should flow from an attitude of true selflessness. A verse-by-verse look at the Song of Solomon, Intimacy Ignited shows couples how to fire up and maintain the flames of a passionate marriage. Sex plays a vital role... Saber más
  3.  Habits of a Child's Heart
    11,43 $
    Teach your children the basics of the spiritual disciplines. Broken down into bite-sized, age-specific exercises, the foundations of the Christian life will become lifetime habits. Practice the spiritual disciplines as a family by:
    • Serving others in a practical way
    • Simplifying schedules... Saber más
  4.  Parenting without the Power Struggles
    3,11 $
    Through the miracle of birth, parents are given a tiny, defenseless babe totally dependent on them for every physical need. They have a mere eighteen years at most to ready that suckling for a world that can be cruel and heartless. That child’s success in the real world hinges in large part on the... Saber más
  5. The Family Project Devotional
    13,51 $
    The Family Project Devotional offers a year of powerful inspiration and biblical application to spouses and parents. Taking biblical admonitions, such as to bear one another’s burdens and to encourage one another, this devotional then applies them specifically to family life. For each of the... Saber más
  6. The Family Project
    12,47 $
    We all know what families look like when they’re broken. But how were they meant to look? Authors Glenn Stanton and Leon Wirth rediscover the Creator’s majestic plan behind this essential, endangered institution-and bring it down to earth with practical application for every spouse and parent.

    This... Saber más
  7.  Middle School: The Inside Story
    10,39 $
    Remember middle school? Many parents would rather not. It’s often a rough ride, filled with insecurity, peer pressure, awkwardness, and world-rocking change. This book provides practical, hands-on advice for helping your child through this minefield-with information about what he or she is really going... Saber más
  8. The New Strong-Willed Child
    13,51 $
    Are you wondering where you went wrong as a parent? You may have a strong-willed child . . .
    They come into the world smoking a cigar and yelling about the temperature in the delivery room. As toddlers, their greatest delights include painting the carpet with Mom’s makeup and trying... Saber más
  9.  Little Book of Great Dates
    8,31 $
    The Little Book of Great Dates will help build romance and fun into any marriage with its creative ideas for a year’s worth of weekly affordable dates. This book-a simpler, gift version of Focus on the Family’s The Date Night Challenge campaign-will help couples to proactively and intentionally... Saber más
  10. The Wholehearted Wife
    13,51 $
    Although it takes two to have a great marriage, an important truth for any marriage partner to realize is that he or she can really change no one other than him or herself. Nevertheless, changes in just one person can have an amazing impact on a marriage relationship!

    Instead of focusing on... Saber más
280 productos