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67 productos
  1. The Lamb among the Stars: The Dark Foundations
    4,15 $
    The Dark Foundations continues the epic story begun in The Shadow and Night. Far beyond the tranquility of the Assembly worlds, Nezhuala, Lord-Emperor of the Dominion, is preparing a merciless and crushing attack on Farholme as a prelude to an onslaught on the Assembly. Back on Farholme,... Saber más
  2. Left Behind:  Assassins
    12,47 $
    The members of the Tribulation Force face their most dangerous challenges. As international fugitives, they struggle to find supplies for safe houses around the world. In despair over so many lost lives, Rayford Steele and Buck Williams make plans to dethrone Nicolae Carpathia and expose him as the Antichrist.... Saber más
  3. Left Behind:  Armageddon
    12,47 $
    2004 Christy Award finalist!
    The scattered Tribulation Force is drawn toward the Middle East, as are all the armies of the world, when human history culminates in the battle of the ages.

    During the last year of the Great Tribulation, safe houses are no longer safe and the world has... Saber más
  4. Left Behind:  Apollyon
    13,51 $
    As the worlds thousands of believers gather in Jerusalem for a stadium rally, the Tribulation Force struggles with their own personal crises. Newspaper reporter Buck Williams and his wife, Chloe, question whether or not they should have a child when the future of the world is so uncertain. Meanwhile,... Saber más
  5. Left Behind: The Remnant
    12,47 $
    Nicolae Carpathia has his enemies right where he wants them: massed at Petra, a million strong. The Trib Force’s aliases and even their safe houses have been compromised, forcing Rayford, Buck, and all the members to flee for their lives while trying to maintain their overt opposition to the Antichrist.... Saber más
  6. Left Behind: The Mark
    13,51 $
    His Excellency Global Community Potentate Nicolae Carpathia is back, this time as Satan. Resurrected and indwelt by the devil himself, the beast tightens his grip as ruler of the world. Terror comes to believers in Greece as they are among the first to face a GC loyalty mark application site. The gloves... Saber más
  7. Left Behind Sequel:  Kingdom Come
    12,47 $
    The sequel to the best-selling Christian fiction series that has sold over 63 million copies!

    Reunite with all your favorite characters and see how they fare in this capstone final title of the Left Behind saga.

    The horrors of the Tribulation are over, and Jesus Christ has set... Saber más
  8. Left Behind Prequels: The Rapture
    13,51 $
    In this the final prequel to the blockbuster series, the story features the Rapture three-quarters of the way through the book and then follows characters such as Irene and Raymie (and others) up to heaven, where they are able to see events in the Tribulation from heaven’s perspective. The story alternates... Saber más
  9. The Lamb among the Stars: The Lamb among the Stars Collection: The Shadow and Night / The Dark Foundations / The Infinite Day
    12,47 $
    This collection bundles Chris Walley’s entire epic Lamb among the Stars series into one e-book for a great value!

    #1 The Shadow and Night

    In the first book in the epic Lamb among the Stars series, author Chris Walley weaves the worlds of science and the spirit, technology and supernatural... Saber más
  10.  Passages Volume 2: The Marus Manuscripts
    13,51 $
    Glennall’s Betrayal: In Depression-era Odyssey, James Curtis runs away from home and joins a mysterious group of gypsies. Along the way, he is kidnapped and sold into slavery, where he meets a young man named Glennall. Together, James and Glennall journey to the capital in Marus and discover... Saber más
67 productos