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30 productos
  1.  Here Today, Ghosted Tomorrow
    7,27 $
    Get the practical tools, psychology, and hope to deal with ghosting and the tumultuous emotions that follow in this easy-to-read handbook by Dr. Gregory Jantz! With Here Today, Ghosted Tomorrow, you will learn:
    • What ghosting is and why it matters
    • Why people "ghost"... Saber más
  2. The Power of Connection
    7,27 $
    Loneliness and isolation are serious problems with real and often devastating consequences-including increased suicide risk. Their ramifications deeply affect everyone in our society. In The Power of Connection, explore why connection matters so much, what the absence of connection means for the... Saber más
  3. Hope and Healing:  Caregiving
    7,27 $
    Packed with practical advice, diagrams, statistics, photos, quizzes, and scannable outlines, this compact guide to caregiving is easy to read and gives you key information at a glance. Get expert knowledge distilled into easy-to-follow steps and apply them immediately to refresh and recharge your... Saber más
  4. Hope and Healing:  Forgiveness
    7,27 $
    Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things you may ever have to face. But it’s also one of the most important and rewarding things you can do. Packed with practical advice, helpful visuals, scannable outlines, and encouraging scriptures, Forgiveness is an all-in-one resource to get... Saber más
  5. Life Recovery Topical Workbook: The Life Recovery Workbook for Grief
    10,39 $
    Begin the journey of recovery from grief!
    Let’s start now on a twelve-step path that will lead us out of the death grip of grief into the restoration of life. In the Life Recovery Workbook for Grief, discover real-life stories of fellow travelers, great questions for individual or... Saber más
  6. Life Recovery Topical Workbook: The Life Recovery Workbook for Eating Disorders
    10,39 $
    Begin the journey of recovery from eating disorders!
    Let’s start now on a twelve-step path that will lead out of the bondage of eating disorders and into the freedom that comes from a closer relationship with God. In the Life Recovery Workbook for Eating Disorders, discover real-life... Saber más
  7. Kitchen Table Counseling. A Practical and Biblical Guide for Women Helping Others
    15,59 $
    This lay-ministry counseling guide is a good leader resource for womens ministries or personal use. Learn how to address your own needs so you can effectively help others, take people to Jesus without taking on responsibility for their burdens, and balance a counseling ministry with your other priorities.... Saber más
  8. Christian Coaching, Second Edition. Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality
    29,11 $
    With a biblically based approach, this groundbreaking textbook for life coaching presents a coaching model using how-to sections field-tested for more than eight years, custom forms coaches can use, and more. Saber más
  9. Holy Spirit Psychology
    15,59 $
    Luann Dunnuck is a dynamic conference speaker and author. Her teachings and books bring a message of hope and encouragement from the Word of God. Having overcome obstacles in her own life, including anxiety, panic attacks, and a physical affliction, she endeavors now to see others free... Saber más
  10. Kick Anxiety
    12,47 $
    Anne Laidlaw lives in Auckland, New Zealand, and is married with three children. A counselor and teacher with a degree in psychology, she teaches Pastoral Care Courses, "Helping People--A Biblical View of Restoration and Basic Counseling Skills," Parts One and Two. She is a frequent... Saber más
30 productos