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30 productos
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  1.  Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling
    19,75 $
    The American Association of Christian Counselors and Tyndale House Publishers are committed to ministering to the spiritual needs of people. This book is part of the professional series that offers counselors the latest techniques, theory, and general information that is vital to their work. While many... Saber más
  2.  Kitchen Table Counseling
    13,51 $
    This lay-ministry counseling guide is a good leader resource for women’s ministries or personal use. Learn how to address your own needs so you can effectively help others, take people to Jesus without taking on responsibility for their burdens, and balance a counseling ministry with your other priorities.... Saber más
  3. The Wounded Heart
    13,51 $
    For those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and those who love and care for them, The Wounded Heart offers a tender, compassionate window into the psychological effects of abuse and the theological foundations for healing.

    Thirty years ago, with great courage and vision, Dan... Saber más
  4. The Wounded Heart Companion Workbook
    13,51 $
    Find help and hope for your journey toward healing.
    Thousands of men and women have experienced life-reviving healing from Dr. Dan Allender’s The Wounded Heart. This companion workbook will help you work through the complex issues of sexual abuse in a concrete way.

    Designed... Saber más
  5.  Christian Coaching, Second Edition
    21,83 $
    Do you long to make a difference in the lives of others?
    Every day, companies, churches, families, and individuals turn to coaches for help in navigating life’s transitions. A widely used and respected resource for leaders, pastors, and counselors, Christian Coaching will equip you... Saber más
  6.  Restore
    12,47 $
    What should you do when you feel stuck in life?
    You know how it feels.
    • A hurt in your past that is hard to get beyond.
    • A bad habit that is difficult to break.
    • A setback that is just too tough to overcome.
    Self-help programs, self-esteem... Saber más
  7.  Unwanted
    13,51 $
    More than 100,000 copies sold

    "Without rival, the best book on broken sexuality I have ever read." -Dan B. Allender, PhD

    Many of us feel ashamed and undesirable after years of sexual brokenness and addiction. The guilt and stigma surrounding sexual struggles can... Saber más
  8.  False Intimacy
    13,51 $
    With frank honesty, False Intimacy offers realistic direction to those whose lives or ministries have been impacted by sexual addiction while examining the roots behind these behaviors. This compelling book examines different aspects of sexual addiction, including shame, purity, and forgiveness,... Saber más
  9. Life Recovery Topical Workbook: The Life Recovery Workbook for Divorce
    10,39 $
    The Life Recovery Workbooks meet the needs of people dealing with compulsive behaviors that go beyond alcohol and substance abuse. These workbooks complement The Life Recovery Bible and focus on developing a biblical foundation for both understanding and successfully overcoming specific... Saber más
  10. Hope and Healing:  Unmasking Emotional Abuse
    7,27 $

    Not all abuse is physical. The wounds of emotional abuse may not be visible, but they still leave scars. Whether a stabbing comment or constant putdowns, most people face emotional abuse at some point in their lives, so how can you learn to detect it and stop the cycle of abuse? How can you heal after... Saber más

30 productos
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