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28 productos
  1. The Doubters' Club
    13,51 $
    The closer we get to the heart of God, the closer we should grow toward the doubter, the skeptic, the differing perspective, even the atheist.

    And that should make us wonder: Is it possible to grow in our Christian faith without engaging the doubter or the skeptic? And if growing in our... Saber más
  2.  Jesus Conversations
    11,43 $
    A practical how-to guide for Christians who want to share their faith in more effective and natural ways.
    How are we to talk about Jesus to someone who does not believe the way we do? Very few of us feel comfortable articulating the truthfulness of Christ’s death and resurrection to a peer... Saber más
  3.  How to Save the World
    13,51 $
    God wants to use you right where you are.

    Jesus’ command to "go and make disciples" can feel complicated and overwhelming. Do you wonder where to start, what it looks like, and how to fit this making-disciples thing into your busy schedule? You’re not alone.

    Drawing... Saber más
  4.  Saving Casper
    11,43 $
    The authors of the popular Jim and Casper Go to Church are back! An unlikely friendship began when former pastor Jim Henderson brought atheist Matt Casper with him to visit a series of churches and give his honest feedback on the services. Since then, Casper has spent a lot of time deeply... Saber más
  5.  Jim and Casper Go to Church
    12,47 $
    What does an atheist think about church? Jim Henderson decided that the best way to find out was to ask! So he recruited an atheist-Matt Casper-to visit twelve leading churches with him and give the "first impression" perspective of a non-believer. Week after week, this spiritual odd couple attended... Saber más
  6. . Faith Makes Sense
    7,27 $
    Everyone wants to believe in something beyond or someone bigger than themselves, but nobody wants to be duped. In order to provide answers to people who are seeking the truth, Mark Mittelberg updates for today the classic book by Robert Laidlaw that sold millions, The Reason Why. This short book... Saber más
  7. Which None Can Shut. Remarkable True Stories of God?s Miraculous Work in the Muslim World
    14,55 $
    Imagine a place where becoming a Christian is a punishable crime--and your own family exacts the punishment. Where those who spread the gospel among locals are deported if discovered. Where converts to Christianity face persecution, isolation, or even death as the price for their faith. "Reema Goode"... Saber más
  8. Living Proof. Sharing the Gospel Naturally
    16,63 $
    Jim Petersen shares what hes learned from over 25 years of working with the unchurched. He shows that, although many people dont want to hear about our faith, they will talk about their own felt needs--needs that can only be met in Christ.

    Learn how to develop relationships with the unreached,... Saber más
  9. . Bringing the Kingdom of God into Your Everyday World
    16,63 $
    Evangelism is not just for the gifted few; its for all of us. In The Insider, Navigator authors Jim Petersen and Mike Shamy will give you the awareness and skills needed to share your faith and deepen your outreach to others. Saber más
  10. . Insights from an Arab Christian
    15,59 $
    Go beyond mere tolerance to a passion for Muslims. This book explains how that can be done in ways that are sensitive to Islamic culture and provides suggestions on how to build vital relationships with Muslims. Saber más
28 productos