Intercesión y Guerra Espiritual
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  1. When Pigs Move In
    15,59 $

    Don Dickerman, a Southern Baptist minister, has directed an evangelistic ministry to prisons since 1974. Don received an anointing from the Lord Jesus to minister in the areas of deliverance and healing. Don has seen many receive deliverance and healing through his ministry. Graduated from... Saber más

  2. Victorious Warrior. 10 Powerful Weapons to Defeat  the Lies That Immobilize Your Life
    16,63 $
    Jessica Dominguez is an internationally recognized expert in the field of immigration law. She hosts her own segment, "Ángel de la Justicia," on Univision's ¡Despierta América!, and provides legal commentary on Univision's Primer Impacto. For the past... Saber más
  3. Rebuilding the Altar
    16,63 $
    Pat and Karen Schatzline are international evangelists and authors who colead Remnant Ministries International and the I Am Remnant Movement. They are known for their passion to lead people of all ages into deep encounters with God. They are frequent guests on Christian television and... Saber más
  4. 23 Minutes in Hell
    16,63 $
    Bill Wiese has been a dedicated Christian and has served in various capacities, including teaching and leading worship since 1970. He is an accomplished speaker, appearing on four hundred radio interviews in the Christian and mainstream markets. He is a successful Realtor with over forty years'... Saber más
  5. Supernatural Access
    16,63 $
    Ryan LeStrange is an apostolic leader and prophetic voice. The apostolic call on his life has led him to build multiple ministries in various geographical locations, the foremost being Ryan LeStrange Ministries. Ryan, a modern-day revivalist, moves strongly in the power of God as he travels... Saber más
  6. The Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan
    16,63 $
    Jennifer LeClaire is consulting editor of Charisma magazine; director of the Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; senior leader of the New Breed Revival Network; cofounder of; and author of many books, including Mornings With the Holy Spirit,... Saber más
  7. Win the Unseen Battle. Understand the Truth About Angelic Beings and Prevail Over the Enemy
    16,63 $
    Frederick K. Price, Jr. is the pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center, a world-renowned ministry in Los Angeles founded by his father, apostle Frederick K. C. Price. A well-taught “chip off the old block,” Pastor Price operates under the Holy Spirit’s anointing and possesses a unique... Saber más
  8. The Strategy of Satan
    6,23 $
    Dr. Wiersbe zeroes in on Satans attacks as deceiver, destroyer, ruler, and accuser. He emphasizes that conquering the enemy comes by obeying Gods truth. Saber más
  9. Dream Wild
    16,63 $
    Jennifer LeClaire is senior leader of the Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; founder of the Ignite prophetic network; cofounder of; and author of many books, including Mornings With the Holy Spirit, The Next Great Move of God, Jezebel’s... Saber más
  10. Overcoming Fear and Anxiety Through Spiritual Warfare
    16,63 $
    Carol Peters-Tanksley, MD, DMin (known professionally as “Dr. Carol”) is an ob-gyn, ordained Christian minister, author, and speaker. She has practiced medicine for twenty-five years and is board certified in obstetrics-gynecology and reproductive endocrinology. Dr. Carol... Saber más
  11. Releasing the Angels of Abundant Harvest
    10,39 $
    Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma magazine, director of the Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, senior leader of the New Breed Revival Network, cofounder of, and author of many books, including Mornings With the Holy Spirit, The... Saber más
  12. Til Heaven Invades Earth
    16,63 $
    Cindy Trimm has dedicated her life to serving God and humanity. A best-selling author and former senator, Dr. Trimm is a sought-after empowerment specialist, revolutionary thinker, and transformational leader. Her best-selling books The Prayer Warriors Way, The Art of War for Spiritual... Saber más
  13. Let Our Children Go
    14,55 $

    Rebecca Greenwood is cofounder and president of Christian Harvest International. She is an internationally known speaker who conducts seminars and conferences on prayer, spiritual warfare, deliverance, prophecy, and the kingdom of God. Rebecca is a core faculty member of the Wagner Leadership... Saber más

  14. The Art of War for Spiritual Battle
    16,63 $

    Cindy Trimm is a charismatic, motivational speaker, preacher, teacher, and former senator in the Bermuda government.  She travels approximately 48 weeks a year, speaking and doing conferences. She is very motivated, energetic, aggressive self-promoter, and very interested in getting published... Saber más

  15. When Kingdoms Clash
    16,63 $

    Cindy Trimm has dedicated her life to serving God and humanity. A best-selling author and former senator, Dr. Trimm is a sought-after empowerment specialist, revolutionary thinker, and transformational leader. Her best-selling books, The Art of War for Spiritual Battle, Commanding... Saber más

  16. Clean House, Strong House
    14,55 $

    Jacksonville Councilwoman Kimberly Daniels is a sought-after conference speaker, preacher, and powerful prayer warrior. She pastors Spoken Word Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida, with her husband, Ardell. Daniels graduated from Florida State University and Jacksonville... Saber más

  17. Overcoming Spiritual Attack
    16,63 $
    Ryan LeStrange and his wife, Joy, lead Impact International Ministries, which consists of several local churches and revival ministries. Through Ryan LeStrange Ministries he travels the globe preaching, igniting revival, and moving in the power of God. LeStrange can be seen weekly on his... Saber más
  18. Jezebels Puppets
    16,63 $
    Jennifer LeClaire is the director for Awakening House of Prayer and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God, Mornings With the Holy Spirit, The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel, and The Heart of the Prophetic. With a powerful... Saber más
  19. The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance
    14,55 $
    Randy Clark, DMin, is the president and founder of
    Global Awakening.  A noted international speaker, he is
    known primarily for revivals associated with healing and
    impartation.  Randy received his MDiv from Southern
    Baptist Theological Seminary... Saber más
  20. The Kneeling Warrior
    16,63 $
     David D. Ireland is the founding and senior pastor of Christ Church, a 6,000-member multiracial congregation of over 40 nationalities in New Jersey.  Diversity consultant to the National Basketball Association, Ireland hosts seminars nationally and internationally on diversity... Saber más
84 productos
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