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54 productos
  1. A Tale of Three Kings
    10,39 $
    This best-selling tale is based on the biblical figures of David, Saul, and Absalom. For the many Christians who have experienced pain, loss, and heartache at the hands of other believers, this compelling story offers comfort, healing, and hope. Christian leaders and directors of religious movements... Saber más
  2. The Divine Romance
    11,43 $
    A breathtakingly beautiful saga spanning from eternity to eternity, presented from the view of angels. Experience creation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection from this unique viewpoint, and gain a better understanding of the majestic love of God. Gene Edwards’s classic tale is the greatest love... Saber más
  3. LifeChange:  Ecclesiastes
    10,39 $
    Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

    What Desires Drive You?
    Every day bombards us with so many desires, and we wish we could pursue them all. Ecclesiastes recounts the story of one person who decided to try. He denied himself nothing that he wanted: Money. Sex. Power. Prestige.... Saber más
  4.  Keep the Happy in Your Holidays
    2,07 $
    "The most wonderful time of the year"?

    We dream of Christmas as a season of family, celebration, and worship-but too often we get burdened with stress, busyness, yelling, and overspending.

    Cherie Lowe, author of Slaying the Debt Dragon, knows what it’s like to feel... Saber más
  5. LifeChange:  Proverbs
    10,39 $
    A God-Shaped Life
    See what a God-shaped life looks like when it gets lived out. Using memorable images and poetic turns of phrase, Proverbs describes what our everyday lives look like when we’ve put our spiritual lives in order. Find help for every decision, and apply life-giving insights... Saber más
  6.  'Twas the Night
    12,47 $
    A retelling of the beloved Christmas poem, capturing the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus.

    ’Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land,
    not a creature suspected that God became man.

    So hear now the story that tells of God’s grace:
    long... Saber más
  7.  Ancient Wisdom for the Good Life
    14,55 $
    In Ancient Wisdom for the Good Life, Ralph K. Hawkins turns our attention to the Bible’s Wisdom Literature (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs) and how it can correct us, train us in righteousness, and ultimately empower us for successful living. These are some of the most... Saber más
  8.  Why the Nativity?
    3,11 $
    Every year, millions of people around the globe celebrate Christmas. But what does it all mean?
    • Why did God choose a young virgin named Mary and a simple carpenter named Joseph to bring his only Son into the world?
    • Why was the Son of God born in a lowly manger in a small town called Bethlehem?
    • Who... Saber más
  9.  Running with Joy
    13,51 $
    Unleash your potential and learn how to activate your own special talents so you can run with joy!
    Executive and talent coach Robb Hiller wants to lift your spirits, help you find your passion, and come alongside you as you discover your natural, God-given talents. In his newest book, Running... Saber más
  10.  Taking the Lead
    13,51 $
    The president of Joe Gibbs Racing-the winningest team in NASCAR history-shares the secrets of succeeding in business and in life.
    In NASCAR, as in life, the difference between winning and losing often comes down to being in the right place at the right time and making the most of every opportunity.

    Nobody... Saber más
54 productos