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24 productos
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  1.  Strength for Your Future
    9,35 $
    We live in times when many Americans feel uncertain about the future. We worry about jobs, the economy, and whether the country is on the right path. Strength for Your Future is a reminder that, despite the confusion of our times, there are solid, unshakable principles on which this country-and... Saber más
  2.  Don't Blink
    13,51 $
    Not long into their pregnancy, Brandon and Brittany Buell were given the heartbreaking news that their son, whom they had already named Jaxon, had a rare condition called Microhydranencephaly (meaning that he was missing part of his skull and most of his brain), and that he would likely die in utero... Saber más
  3.  Take Your Life Back Day by Day
    13,51 $
    Have you ever had one of those days . . . ?
    Let’s face it. Living in this world can be extremely challenging. It’s hard enough just to make it through our days and years-let alone in a way we’re proud of, living a life that is pure and good. Sometimes it all feels so overwhelming.

    But... Saber más
  4. The Opposite of Depression
    11,43 $
    Stanford-trained psychiatrist David M. Carreon, MD, was astonished at how quickly and dramatically he was able to alleviate the symptoms of severely depressed patients, using an intense form of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) that he had helped pioneer. But he also saw very clearly that reversing... Saber más
24 productos
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