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  1. AIO Imagination Station Books
    5,19 $
    Beth and Patrick travel to the Holy Land. Patrick joins the wise men as they travel toward Jerusalem. Beth winds up at Herods palace and sees the kings reaction when he finds out about the newly born King of the Jews. The cousins meet up at the palace. Devout Simeon tells them where they can find the... Saber más
  2. AIO Imagination Station Books
    5,19 $
    If youre brave, follow cousins Beth and Patrick to Libya in the 13th century. The town of Silene is being terrorized by a vicious animal that is eating livestock. The townspeople believe its a dragon sent by the devil. In order to appease the beast, the people believe they must offer a human sacrifice--a... Saber más
  3. Bible KidVentures Old Testament Stories
    15,59 $
    These action-packed tales from Focus on the Family for children ages 10 and up follow fictional kids through real events from the Old Testament. Written by respected Christian authors, this series will help children manage the transition from Bible story picture books to reading the Bible on their own,... Saber más
  4. Adventures in Odyssey Books
    16,63 $
    Mark Prescotts not your typical 10-year-old kid. He has a best friend whos a girl, a mind that has to have answers, and a need to have things the way they used to be. Before its all over, he learns priceless lessons about friendship, living with change, and the gift of forgiveness. Saber más
54 productos
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