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72 productos
  1. When I Lay My Isaac Down Study Guide
    10,39 $
    Carol Kents son is in prison for murder. In her book When I Lay My Isaac Down (ISBN 9781612914428), she shares eight transformational power principles she and her husband, Gene, learned about forgiveness and faith through their emotional and spiritual agony. In this workbook, you will see how... Saber más
  2. When I Lay My Isaac Down. Unshakable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances
    20,79 $
    Carol and Gene Kents son is in prison. When I Lay My Isaac Down tells their story and shares the transformational principles they learned about forgiveness and faith.

    Dealing with her anger, grief, and shame, Carol could have given up. Instead she tells a highly personal, heartbreaking,... Saber más
  3. Beautiful Battlefields
    15,59 $
    Bo Stern realizes life is full of fierce and unexpected battles. When her husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness, she knew she had found her Goliath. With winsome sincerity, Bo points readers to the battle plans available to us in Scripture--and to our God, who brings beauty from the struggles... Saber más
  4. Unfinished. How to Approach Lifes Detours, Do-Overs, and Disappointments
    15,59 $
    Life is full of disappointments and detours. If the road youre traveling is unexpected or youre struggling to reconcile your new reality with dashed dreams, take heart. Jerry and Mary White have been there, and they know there are more options for the road ahead than what you can see right now. The best... Saber más
  5. Checkpoints. A Tactical Guide to Manhood
    13,51 $
    Society today rejects the idea of absolute truth and is openly hostile toward God. For boys who want to be more like Christ, going through adolescence in this culture is like crossing a minefield without a map. They need parents and youth workers to engage with them early and equip them with the skills... Saber más
  6. Pursue the Intentional Life. "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12)
    15,59 $
    Do you ever wonder what your future holds? As ministry leader Jean Fleming began pondering how she could serve God with more purpose, she created Pursue the Intentional Life, a book that will help you discover how Gods promises and instructions contain just what you need for the unknown days ahead.... Saber más
  7. Christlike. The Pursuit of Uncomplicated Obedience
    15,59 $
    The final court of whether or not you are becoming like Jesus is not attending another church program but how you act in daily life. Christlike aims to change outward actions by inner spiritual growth through uncomplicated obedience in our relationship with God. Author Bill Hull uses his experience... Saber más
  8. . Seeing the World from Heavens View
    15,59 $
    No matter what trials you face, looking at those circumstances from Gods perspective will give you a supernatural peace. Authors T. W. Hunt and Melana Hunt Munroe introduce this new point of view by focusing on God and His attributes, the Trinity, and spiritual growth. Saber más
  9. Your Deepest Dream. Discovering Gods True Vision for Your Life
    13,51 $
    Everyone wants to live a rich, satisfying life, but according to author Joseph Castleberry, the only way for that to happen is for us to discover and live out our deepest dreams. Many books on personal fulfillment help people identify their goals and objectives, but Your Deepest Dream goes beyond... Saber más
  10. . Finding Harmony in God?s Plan
    5,19 $
    Relinquishing control of our lives to Christ can be a lifelong process of recommitting daily to Him, but this surrender is actually a victory.

    In The Triumph of Surrender, the late Dr. William Fletcher shows that if we stop struggling and let our loving God be in charge, our Christian... Saber más
72 productos