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338 productos
  1. The Rabbi's Heartbeat
    13,51 $
    As Abba’s children, we need only to define ourselves through His Son, just as the apostle John did-as one beloved by God. Through this timeless devotional, author and speaker Brennan Manning brings you from a lukewarm, distant faith to being close enough to lean against Jesus-the Great Rabbi-and listen... Saber más
  2. Bible Studies: Becoming a Woman:  Becoming a Woman Who Walks with God
    10,39 $
    This devotional study, designed to guide women through a month of quiet times, emphasizes the joy and the importance of abiding in Christ. Written by Navigator author and Bible teacher Cynthia Heald, each of the 31 daily meditations in this collection emphasizes your relationship with God and includes... Saber más
  3.  Five Traits of a Christ-Follower
    5,19 $
    What distinguishes a follower of Jesus? The contributors to Five Traits of a Christ Follower-each with a long history of knowing Jesus and making him known-see five "core competencies" as critical to authentic discipleship; growing in relationship with God, knowing and living from the... Saber más
  4.  God in the Dark
    11,43 $
    You are never alone.
    Our Father shines his light in the darkness of this world, and nothing-no adversary, no lie, no doubt or discouragement-can extinguish that light. Sarah Van Diest has walked and crawled the darkened path and found the Father’s relentless faithfulness. These devotions... Saber más
  5. The Wonder of Advent Devotional
    11,43 $
    Rediscover the heart of the Advent season
    As the year comes to a close and the stress and busyness of the consumer Christmas holiday grows, it can be easy to lose sight of what the season really calls us to: worship. In today’s world, is it even possible to slow down, to ponder, to wonder... Saber más
  6. The Promise of Lent Devotional
    10,39 $
    Lent is a time of remembering Christ’s sacrifice-and yet it is not meant to be depressing; it is meant to be reorienting. The 40-day holy season is one of transition when we turn our eyes away from fading disappointments and move ever closer to the radiance of Easter hope.

    This is the... Saber más
  7.  Earth Psalms
    13,51 $
    Millions of readers have been transformed and inspired by Francine Rivers’ bestselling novels Redeeming Love and A Voice in the Wind. Now, in this weekly devotional, the beloved author invites you to join her in seeking the Creator through the marvelous natural world we live in. Francine... Saber más
  8.  Spread Too Thin
    12,47 $
    You know the drill. Somebody asks, "How are you?" and you respond automatically: "Crazy busy!" "I’m exhausted!" "Running too fast."

    And it’s no wonder! Between the breakneck speed of your job, the one million family activities on the calendar, the volunteer... Saber más
  9. The One Year Daily Acts of Kindness Devotional
    13,51 $
    What would happen if you and your family committed to doing one act of kindness each day for a year?
    Our world desperately needs more kindness. Whether it’s on social media, in the news, or between your arguing kids it can seem like conflict and disconnection are everywhere. But imagine... Saber más
  10.  He Holds My Hand
    13,51 $
    I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely. -Psalm 63:8

    Carol Kent wrote this 365-day devotional during a time in her life when she was desperate to hear God’s voice and feel His comfort. Now, she shares the encouragement she received from God.

    Listen to God’s... Saber más
338 productos