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109 productos
  1.  Good News for Weary Women
    12,47 $
    Are you exhausted? Women today really do feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. Every morning we are greeted with a long list of to-dos: get the kids up and out the door on time, have a meaningful quiet time, put in a full day at the office, spend an hour at the gym, prepare a healthy and delicious... Saber más
  2.  Longing for Paris
    12,47 $
    For anyone who has ever daydreamed of another life . . .
    Most days, you wouldn’t trade what you have for the world. You love your husband and your kids, and you are grateful to God for your life. But there are days when you feel as though life is rolling over you in waves and you are just... Saber más
  3.  Own Your Life
    13,51 $
    Do you ever long for days full of joy and energy-days that bring out the best version of you rather than leave you exhausted? Do you sometimes catch yourself wishing life was more impactful and fulfilling? In a world that’s moving so fast, it’s easy to lose your sense of purpose. So now is the time... Saber más
  4.  Brave Enough
    13,51 $
    Find the courage to be who you are-not who you wish you were.
    Is fear holding you back from becoming your best self? Does it add stress to your day and keep you up at night? What could be different if you let go and started living brave today?

    Bravery doesn’t have to mean cliff... Saber más
  5.  Having a Martha Home the Mary Way
    13,51 $
    Get your home and your heart in order in just 31 days!
    Sarah Mae wants to let you in on a little secret about being a good homemaker: It’s not about having a clean house. She’d never claim to be a natural, organized cleaner herself-yet, like you, she wants a beautiful space to call home,... Saber más
  6. BELONG:  Made to Belong
    10,39 $
    When it comes to discovering what you were created to do, it’s all too easy to get stuck. Even figuring out the next step can feel overwhelming: You sense you’re meant to do something important, maybe more "special" than you’re doing now, but where do you start?

    The secret... Saber más
  7.  Rewriting Your Emotional Script
    11,43 $
    Women who have gone through hard times often carry years of emotional baggage that keeps them in bondage to a time, event, or person. Using the blessings in the Beatitudes, Becky Harling shows how to erase negative emotional messages of the past. Learn how to rewrite your emotional script by adopting... Saber más
  8.  Freedom from Performing
    11,43 $
    Delving into fresh insights from Jesus’ parables, author and speaker Becky Harling directs you to leave behind a life dependent on the accolades of others and go on a grace-filled journey of seeking God’s applause alone. The 12 lessons feature discussion-provoking questions and exercises for... Saber más
  9. The Louder Song
    12,47 $
    God sings a louder song
    In the midst of suffering, you want answers for the unanswerable, resolutions to the unresolvable. But pain is a chasm of the unknown. In one breath, you may be able to say with confidence that God’s got this. In the next, you might descend into disbelief and despair,... Saber más
  10. The Sarah Anointing
    12,47 $
    Michelle McClain-Walters has traveled to more than fifty nations and has conducted schools of the prophet that have activated thousands in the art of hearing the voice of God. She is the author of The Prophetic Advantage and five books in the Women of Influence series. For many years she... Saber más
109 productos