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110 productos
  1. A Modern Girls Bible Study. Five Adventures Youre Meant to Live
    15,59 $
    Grab your girlfriends and hold on for the ride of your life as you discover what the Bible has to say about faith, identity, and much more. The 5 sessions of this character Bible study cover topics important to women, including forgiveness, rest, worship, and spiritual transformation. Includes... Saber más
  2. A Modern Girls Bible Study. Hearing Gods Voice Through the Static
    15,59 $
    Cant hear God though the cell phone, the kids, and the endless static of life? Discover over 20 ways God speaks to us, and learn to "tune in" to the power of divine conversation. The 5 sessions of this womens Bible study from the Modern Girls Bible Study series talk about what is really... Saber más
  3. A Modern Girls Bible Study. Revitalizing the Many Roles You Fill
    15,59 $
    In this 5-session Bible study on character, youll see what women from the Bible have to say about balancing our sanity with great expectations. With her infectious humor and honest voice, Jen Hatmaker shares insights that will help you manage your time, set priorities and boundaries, and organize... Saber más
  4. A Modern Girls Bible Study. Getting Past the Chitchat
    13,51 $
    Women are relational by design, but in the frenzy of everyday life friendships are often the first casualty on an overwhelming to-do list. Girl Talk helps explain 5 levels of communication that nurture intimacy. Reset your priorities while studying Gods design for community.

    Leaders guide... Saber más
  5. . Steadfast Faith in the Midst of Adversity
    13,51 $
    Through the Psalms, women can learn how to positively handle the disappointments of life, discern the comforting truth found in Gods Word, and be encouraged to deal with the waves of trials, depression, and discouragement. Includes a 4-week Bible study. Saber más
  6. My Journey to Contentment. A Companion Journal for Calm My Anxious Heart
    10,39 $
    This companion journal to the 12-week Bible study Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow helps women focus on growing in contentment and faith. Learn to trust God completely and have victory over the fears that can overwhelm you. Saber más
  7. Rewriting Your Emotional Script. Erase Old Messages, Embrace New Attitudes
    15,59 $
    Women who have gone through hard times often carry years of emotional baggage that keeps them in bondage to a time, event, or person. Using the blessings in the Beatitudes, Becky Harling shows how to erase negative emotional messages of the past. Learn how to rewrite your emotional script by adopting... Saber más
  8. Own Your Life. Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love
    16,63 $
    Do you ever long for days full of joy and energy--days that bring out the best version of you rather than leave you exhausted? Do you sometimes catch yourself wishing life was more impactful and fulfilling? In a world thats moving so fast, its easy to lose your sense of purpose. So now is the time to... Saber más
  9. Freefall to Fly. A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning
    20,79 $
    Women today are fading. In a female culture built on Photoshopped perfection and Pinterest fantasies, weve lost the ability to dream our own big dreams. So busy trying to do it all and have it all, weve missed the life we were really designed for. And we are paying the price. The rise of loneliness,... Saber más
  10. Kingdom Woman. Embracing Your Purpose, Power, and Possibilities
    15,59 $
    A kingdom woman gives the devil as much reason to fear as a kingdom man. She lives confidently in the knowledge that Christ died and rose for her so that she can experience the significance of the destiny to which she has been called.

    In Kingdom Woman, Tony Evans and his daughter, Chrystal... Saber más
110 productos