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110 productos
  1. Mommy Time. 90 Devotions for New Moms
    15,59 $
    Every new mom experiences a myriad of emotions--joy, love, the frightening, yet terrific reality that you are now responsible for a tiny little dependent. And in the midst of all these emotions--and burpings, feedings, diaper changes, and quick naps--moms need to be reminded of Gods awesomeness. In this... Saber más
  2. Ms. Understood. Rebuilding the Feminine Equation
    15,59 $
    Throughout time, women have been identified in many conflicting ways. Sometimes goddesses, slaves, or seductresses, but always misunderstood--by themselves and others. Jen Hatmaker uses examples from the five women named in Jesus lineage to help identify who a daughter of Christ is. From the woman who... Saber más
  3. Freedom from Performing. Grace in an Applause-Driven World
    15,59 $
    Delving into fresh insights from Jesus parables, author and speaker Becky Harling directs you to leave behind a life dependent on the accolades of others and go on a grace-filled journey of seeking Gods applause alone. The 12 lessons feature discussion-provoking questions and exercises for personal... Saber más
  4. 31 Days of Encouragement as We Grow Older
    15,59 $
    Are you feeling lonely? Tired? Overwhelmed? Whether were young, old, or in between, these feelings can flood our hearts at almost any time. Faced with our limitations, our most urgent need is to know God better. Beloved author Ruth Myers is a willing guide for women who are ready to approach aging in... Saber más
  5. You Are Not What You Weigh
    15,59 $

    Lisa Bevere is a best selling author, international speaker, and frequent guest on Christian television and radio shows. Bevere is also the co-host of the weekly television program The Messenger, which broadcasts to 214 nations. She and her husband, John, also a best selling author, make their... Saber más

  6. Sullied Bride
    12,47 $
    Jasmine Deanne Andrews is a believer in Yeshua (Jesus) and she has a very romantic disposition. She envisions Yeshua as a gallant warrior returning for His bride. Her Bible studies have led her to investigate why marriages fail to meet brides’ expectations and to develop teachings necessary... Saber más
  7. Women of Excellence
    10,39 $
    Delores L. Kendrick is senior pastor and founder of Tabernacle of Praise Church in Seattle, Washington, and has served in ministry for more than thirty years. She is called to equip the saints for higher dimensions of spiritual warfare, kingdom living and service. Her prophetic voice is known... Saber más
  8. 25 Tough Question About Women and the Church
    10,39 $

    J. Lee Grady is the editor of Charisma magazine. An ordained minister and award-winning journalist, he lives in Orlando, Florida, with his wife Deborah, and their four daughters.

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  9. Pumps in the Pulpit
    15,59 $
    Angel A. Wellington pastors with her husband Descending Dove Christian Center in Wilmington, North Carolina. Reared to reject even the notion of “women preachers,” Angel has risen above doubts, fears and condemnation to share this grace gift with the body of Christ. Today she is a profound... Saber más
  10. Almost There. Searching for Home in a Life on the Move
    15,59 $
    On the move . . . again? Wondering when you will "arrive"?
    The impermanence of home tends to be one of lifes most recurring surprises. Is it possible to build a permanent sense of home in a rootless life? If home is where the heart is, what can we love that will quiet the restlessness... Saber más
110 productos