Pray-ers Bear Fruit

Pray-ers Bear Fruit

Kathy R. Green has been serving in the local church for many years. Through her fervent and continued prayers, she has seen tremendous results in her personal life and in the lives of those she loves. Kathy’s passion is to help hurting people through words of enouragement and prayer. She graduated from Life Bible Institute in Troy, Michigan, and is a graduate of The Lay Counselors Training Program, through The Potter’s House Center of Counseling and Behavioral Health. Kathy is also a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. She resides with her family in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

15,59 $

Pray-ers Bear Fruit shows readers how to develop a powerful prayer life that bears fruit and gets results. Presented in an easy-to-understand format, this book is a practical prayer manual that demonstrates the simplicity of becoming a person of prayer. Using biblical examples and personal experiences, Kathy Green demonstrates the connection between intimacy with the Father and getting results.

Green’s message encourages believers waiting for answers from prayer not to give up, because they are on the brink of receiving their miracle. Biblical principles and scripture references are provided in each chapter displaying examples of the power of prayer. Included are prayers of dedication for readers to focus on where their heart is in a relationship with God.


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Código 9781621363200
Páginas 128
Autor Green, Kathy
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-12-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House