Beauty Out of Ashes

Beauty Out of Ashes
Avin Lee graduated with a business degree, but eventually quit her job, sensing that God was calling her to be a stay-at-home mom. Her passion is to see young mothers grow in their relationship with Christ and celebrate their lives as beautiful individuals with divine destinies. She is happily married to Heng and has a six-year-old son, Joshua. She currently attends New Creation Church pastored by Joseph Prince in Singapore, where she serves as an assistant care group leader.

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From Tragedy to Testimony

Avin Lee thought she had reached the end of the road. Devastated by a season of tragedy and confusion, she completely surrendered her life to Christ. God had preserved her throughout her suffering, and in His perfect timing He would restore everything she had lost. Her loving heavenly Father fulfilled every promise and blessed her with more than she could have imagined--and He will do the same for you!
Join Avin Lee as she reflects on her journey of healing, restoration and unshakable faith in the face of tragedy. Beauty Out of Ashes will inspire you to trust God, seek Him above all else, and begin thanking Him in advance for giving you the life of your dreams.
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Código 9781616389932
Páginas 96
Autor Choo, Avin Lee Mui
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-07-06
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House