Salud y Ejercicio
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101 productos
  1. The Genesis Diet
    16,63 $

    Dr. Joseph Vetere was born and still lives in the New York metropolitan area with his wife and family. In 1986, he graduated with honors from the New York Chiropractic College. In 2003, Dr. Vetere saw the need to educate church leadership on the necessity of attaining personal wellness... Saber más

  2. Fasting Made Easy
    11,43 $

    NEW YORK TIMES best selling author Dr. Don Colbert is a board-certified family practice medical doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine, treating over 17,000 patients. Since 1984, Dr. Colbert has helped thousands of patients regain good health and live pain free after years... Saber más

  3. The Bible Cure for Allergies
    7,27 $

    NEW YORK TIMES best selling author Dr. Don Colbert is a board-certified family practice medical doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine, treating over 17,000 patients. Since 1984, Dr. Colbert has helped thousands of patients regain good health and live pain free after years... Saber más

  4. The Big Book of Hormones
    18,71 $
    With more than four million books sold, Siloam is the undisputed leader in Christian health
    publishing with over two hundred published books, including two New York Times best sellers.
    The combined experience of Siloam’s authors represents more than three... Saber más
  5. The Bible Cure for Thyroid Disorders
    7,27 $
    Don Colbert, MD, is board-certified in family practice and anti-aging medicine and has helped millions of people to discover the joy of living in divine health. He is the author of numerous books, including the New York Times best seller The Seven Pillars of Health.
    Saber más
  6. . True Confessions and Divine Revelations of a Former Yo-Yo Dieter
    13,51 $
    So many things contribute to womens struggles with weight that no matter what infomercials and celebrities promise on TV, its never as simple as 1-2-3 to "get it off and keep it off."
    Thats because the real issue usually lurks beneath the surface--in a womans heart and mind. No matter how... Saber más
  7. . Inspiration and Motivation for Lifes Journey . . . On and Off the Road
    15,59 $
    Ever wondered if theres a purpose to your running and what it has to do with your spiritual life? The Runners Devotional will inspire you in your faith while encouraging you to excel at the sport you love! This book is for runners of all levels--casual and avid, competitive and recreational--who... Saber más
  8. Busy Moms Guide to Family Nutrition
    13,51 $
    With almost everything you need to know to care for your family available on the Internet or at the library these days, how do you sort through the wealth of information available? How do you narrow down your web search? And how many pages are in that reference guide? It can be overwhelming to look for... Saber más
  9. Chocolate for Your Soul. Food, Faith, and Fun to Satisfy Your Deepest Craving
    16,63 $
    Come taste and see that the Lord is good--and discover your faith can become a fulfilling adventure.
    Life can be hard, but God gives us everyday gifts--food, faith, and fun--to satisfy and refresh us in whatever we face. These gifts are like chocolate for our soul, and oh, how wonderful they... Saber más
  10. Us versus Us. The Untold Story of Religion and the LGBT Community
    15,59 $
    Would you believe that 86 percent of LGBT people--from the proud marcher at the Pride Parade to the quiet, closeted teen--spent their childhood in church? More than half of them left those religious commu-nities as adults; three out of four would be happy to come back.

    For decades now we have... Saber más
101 productos